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Switch on an advanced menu that gives you access to features not normally found in Grand Theft Auto V

Switch on an advanced menu that gives you access to features not normally found in Grand Theft Auto V

Vote: (2 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Welsh And Sabotage

Version: 1.2

Works under: Windows


Program license

(2 votes)




Welsh And Sabotage


Works under:



  • Simple installation and intuitive interface
  • Vast item and cheat spawning capabilities
  • Character appearance customization
  • Fresh entertainment value for seasoned players
  • Teleportation and speed toggle adds a new dynamic to gameplay


  • Initial menu activation may be challenging for some users
  • Potential for game instability or conflicts with other mods

Unleashing Creative Chaos in Los Santos with Endeavor Mod Menu for GTA 5

The Endeavor Mod Menu is a dynamic game utility designed for fans of Grand Theft Auto V who yearn for a twist on their sandbox adventures. Developed by Welsh & Sabotage, this mod menu elevates the standard gameplay experience by introducing an array of creative freedoms typically locked away within the confines of the base game.

Step into a World of Limitless Possibilities

This innovative scripting tool allows players to summon a plethora of items and activate cheats with an unprecedented level of simplicity. Long gone are the days when gamers had to memorize complicated command lines or navigate the default cheat conventions to spice up their gaming sessions. The mod menu is equipped to deliver an excitement-packed experience with just a few clicks, placing a vast universe of content at your fingertips.

Installation and Ease of Use

Installation of the Endeavor Mod Menu is relatively streamlined, with clear instructions to help integrate the mod into your game. Once set up, players can open the custom menu interface - typically with certain key combinations or controller inputs. Some might find this initial step slightly challenging, but overcoming this hurdle rewards you with an intuitive interface that promotes effortless navigation.

Spawning Fun at Will

From sedans to sports cars, pistols to RPGs, or even the odd knickknack - the Endeavor Mod Menu grants you the power to populate your environment with an array of objects, weapons, and vehicles at will. The mod's diversity does not stop at spawning ordinary items; it also includes unique assets that can transform your gaming sessions, such as water-hose guns and cash-dispensing bullets.

The mod menu caters to all manner of whims, whether you're looking to deactivate the ever-vigilant police or to teleport across the sprawling landscape of San Andreas with a simple gun-shot. Seeking a brisk escape? Toggle your character's sprint speed and become untouchable as you glide effortlessly through the city streets.

Exploring New Avenues

In addition to spawning items and activating cheats, the mod menu offers the ability to delve into special maps, possibly uncovering unexplored dimensions within the game. It also extends control over your in-game character's appearance, providing a new level of personalization and identity immersion.

Performance and Limitations

Importantly, while injecting considerable entertainment value, Endeavor Mod Menu performs solidly assuming compatible setups. Custom mods, however, always carry the inherent risk of instability or conflicts with the game's original codebase. It is recommended that users approach with measured enthusiasm, being mindful of potential glitches or disruptions in gameplay.


The Endeavor Mod Menu for GTA 5 by Welsh & Sabotage successfully breaks the monotony barrier, providing a tool that curates a dynamic and playful gaming environment. It paves the path for those wishing to experiment, explore, and truly own their gaming journey in the city of Los Santos and beyond.


  • Simple installation and intuitive interface
  • Vast item and cheat spawning capabilities
  • Character appearance customization
  • Fresh entertainment value for seasoned players
  • Teleportation and speed toggle adds a new dynamic to gameplay


  • Initial menu activation may be challenging for some users
  • Potential for game instability or conflicts with other mods